As part of the Basic Police Academy curriculum, at a minimum all officers are trained in the following areas in Police and Community Relations:
- Basics to Community Oriented Policing
- Law Enforcement Responsibility to Provide Community Service
- Awareness of Emotional Reactions
- Cultural Diversity
- Crisis Intervention
- Community Referrals
- Handling Individuals with Special Needs
- Racially Influenced Policing
2017 to present- all officers have attended the following Diversity trainings:
- Crisis Intervention- law enforcement response to individuals with special needs/mental health issues
- Bias Incident training update- three refresher trainings in 2019, 2020, and 2021
- Strengthening the trust between law enforcement and Immigrant communities
- Law Enforcement interactions with Transgender Individuals
Cultural Diversity, De-Escalation and Bias Crime Reporting Training in the following areas:
- Laying the Foundation- Law Enforcement and Cultural Diversity Concepts
- Law Enforcement and De-Escalation
- Law Enforcement and the African American Community
- Law Enforcement and the Muslim Community
- Law Enforcement and the Asian Community
- Law Enforcement and the Sikh Community
- Law Enforcement and the Latino/Hispanic Community
- Law Enforcement and the Jewish Community
- Law Enforcement and the LGBTQ Community
- Understanding Bias Crimes/Incidents and Reporting
Contact tracing
Two of the most critical steps to getting New Jersey on the road to recovery is our State’s expanded testing program for COVID-19 and contact tracing strategy. Together, they are the key to stopping the spread of this deadly disease. Each officer has been certified in contact tracing.