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Safety Measures for the Campus Community


Thumb turn locks for meeting spaces, classrooms, and labs

  • To enhance safety in active shooter situations where classroom doors can be secured from the inside.

Rideshare Safety

  • CPS and Title IX collaborated to purchase Rideshare signs that will be placed in areas that remind students of safety concerns involving ridesharing…Including making sure the driver knows YOUR NAME

Numbering Building Entranceways

Numbered signs allow for efficient identification for emergency responders.

Safety Walks

CPS will accompany any student who feels unsafe walking on campus.

Floor Meetings

Campus Police participate in all floor meetings giving students safety tips and illuminating our services.

Camera Project

The antiquated camera system was converted to a Meraki camera system which has sharper images, simplified use and can be viewed from multiple devices.

Community Outreach

Donated space and time to the TCNJ food pantry/the SHOP

CPS collaborated with the Dean of Students Office to open a food pantry. Campus Police Services opens the food pantry for any requests 24 hours a day. It has increased positive interactions between our officers and students and the community.

Cram a Cruiser

Annual Event: Officers advertise that they are taking food donations and park a police vehicle (cruiser) outside Eickhoff where the students can give food donations. 

Second Life Bikes

Annual Event: Campus Police Services delivers recovered bikes to Second Life Bikes. The bike shop takes bike donations and kids who restore them get to keep the bike. 50 bikes that had been abandoned on TCNJ property were transported to SLB this year.


Police Academy Training includes:

  • Basics to Community Oriented Policing
  • Law Enforcement Responsibility to Provide Community Service
  • Awareness of Emotional Reactions
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Community Referrals
  • Handling Individuals with Special Needs
  • Racially Influenced Policing

2017 to present – all officers have attended the following diversity trainings:

  • Crisis Intervention- law enforcement response to individuals with special needs/mental health issues
  • Bias Incident training update- three refresher trainings in 2019, 2020, 2021
  • Strengthening the trust between law enforcement and Immigrant communities
  • Law Enforcement interactions with Transgender Individuals
  • Cultural Diversity, De-Escalation and Bias Crime Reporting Training:
  • Laying the Foundation- Law Enforcement and Cultural Diversity Concepts
  • Law Enforcement and De-Escalation
  • Law Enforcement and the African American Community
  • Law Enforcement and the Muslim Community
  • Law Enforcement and the Asian Community
  • Law Enforcement and the Sikh Community
  • Law Enforcement and the Latino/Hispanic Community
  • Law Enforcement and the Jewish Community
  • Law Enforcement and the LGBTQ Community
  • Understanding Bias Crimes/Incidents and Reporting
TCNJ Response to an Active Shooter PresentationView Video