Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
To insure that campus crime is not underreported, the Clery Act requires that certain College administrators, called Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), report campus crimes to a designated College office.
Designated CSAs have the responsibility to report allegations of crimes in good faith to Campus Police Services by using the following button:
Required Online Training
CSAs are required to complete training offered through the College, which can be accessed online, for free, to TCNJ employees. The training will take about 10-15 minutes to complete and will cover what the Clery Act is, what crimes fall under this act, and what your reporting obligations are as a CSA/mandatory reporter.
Steps to complete the training
- Watch the training video — CSA Training Video
- After watching the video, complete the following assessment — Post-Test Assessment
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a CSA?
- Members of Campus Police Services
- Those who are responsible for campus security, but not a campus police officer
- Individuals designated by the institution as someone whom crimes should be reported
- Someone with significant responsibility for student and campus activities
Examples of CSAs include, but are not limited to:
- Residential Assistants
- Directors of Housing/ Residential Life
- Directors of Greek Life
- Student Conduct
- Coaches
- Athletic Directors
- Advisors to Recognized Student Organizations
- Title IX Coordinators
Those who have been identified as CSAs, also have been designated by the College to be Responsible Employees. For more information regarding the reporting requirements of Responsible Employees, click the provided link.
What are considered Clery Act Crimes?
Primary Crimes:
- Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter
- Manslaughter by Negligence
- Sex Offenses (rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape)
- Robbery
- Aggravated Assault
- Burglary
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Arson
Arrests & Referrals for Disciplinary Action:
- Drug Law Violations
- Liquor Law Violations
- Weapons Law Violations
2013 Clery Additions:
- Domestic Violence
- Dating Violence
- Stalking
Hate Crimes: Any of the above offenses and incidents of Larceny-Theft, Simple Assault, Intimidation/Damage/Vandalism of Property which were motivated by the offender’s bias.
What & when should I report?
When do crimes need to be reported under the Clery Act?
- If a victim calls it to your attention
- If a witness or third party calls it to your attention
- If the alleged crime occurred within TCNJ’s Clery Geography, which includes:
- On-Campus
- On-Campus student housing facility
- On-Campus public property adjacent to & accessible from campus
- At non-campus property or building owned or controlled by the institution or a recognized student organization
The Clery reporting form is mandatory for CSA’s to submit without delay, but no later than 24 hours upon receiving notice of a Clery Crime.
What should be reported?
- The date and time the crime or incident occurred
- When the person reported it to you
- Name of the victim if the victim wishes to be identified
- Identities of any known suspects or witness
What happens after a CSA submits a report?
- Support & Resources | Victims have on- and off-campus reporting options, including law enforcement and resolution options through the College. Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking have many rights and options under the Clery Act, including:
- Accommodations such as a change in living, academic, transportation, or working situations (like moving to a different residence hall or changing classes)
- Notification of resources on-campus and within the community.
- If you receive a report, share information about the programs for assisting victims of sexual assault and other crimes, procedures for seeking medical help, and options for reporting. Information regarding the rights and available options for victims can be found on the Office of Title IX & Sexual Misconduct’s webpage, which can be helpful to learn about what’s available on your campus.
- Crime Statistics | Clery Act crimes that occurred within Clery geography are recorded within the College’s Annual Security Report. The College also maintains a public crime log with all reported crimes.
- Ongoing Communications | The College must notify the campus community of serious or continuing threats to their health and safety. The College evaluates reports from CSAs to determine whether a Timely Warning or Emergency Notification must be disseminated.
Helpful Reminders
- If informed about a crime or an incident that might be a crime, you must report it to Campus Police Services.
- This include reports from a witness, third party, victim, or the offender.
- When making a report, be sure to share the information as relayed by the person.
- CSAs are not responsible for determining whether the crime took place or whether it falls under TCNJ’s Clery geography. You don’t have to prove what happened or who was at fault and it is not your responsibility to find the perpetrator.
- The more detailed information provided, the easier it will be for the College to correctly categorize the crime.
- When in doubt, report.
- Tell the person who disclosed the crime that you must share the information and discuss what they can expect next steps to look like.
- Submitting a report does not require the victim to participate in any way, but they have the option to should they wish.
- Help connect the person to available options and resources.
Reporting of Crime Statistics (Annual Security Reports)
- The Jeanne Clery Disclosure Of Campus Security Policy And Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), a consumer protection law passed in 1990, requires all colleges and universities who receive federal funding to share information about crime on campus and their efforts to improve campus safety. Additionally, the law requires institutions to inform the public of crime in or around campus. This information is made publicly accessible through the institution’s Annual Security Report. Colleges and universities must outline specific policies and procedures within their annual security reports, including those related to disseminating timely warnings and emergency notifications, options for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, and campus crime reporting processes. Crime statistics shared within the annual security report reflect the number of Clery defined crimes reported to have occurred within Clery defined geographic categories of an institution. Source: The Clery Center
- Access Annual Security Reports