TCNJ Campus Police Services
The Office of Campus Police Services believes the most effective way to achieve its goals is through collaboration with the members of our community. Embracing a community policing philosophy, we strive to maintain an ever-strengthening partnership with campus constituents as well as our neighbors in the off-campus community. Such partnership is necessary for success in fulfilling our mission and greatly enhanced the deterrence of crime.
In building a successful partnership with the campus community, The College of New Jersey maintains its own police department, providing law enforcement and security services 24 hours, 7 days a week. Campus Police Services currently employs an outstanding mix of individuals that strive to provide safety and security for the entire College community. We are located in the Administration Services Building and ready to help in any way we can.
For emergencies or immediate assistance, please call 609-771-2345.
TCNJ Campus Safety Dashboard
The Operations Unit
- Includes sworn police officers, security officers, and public safety telecommunicators. Services provided by the Operations Unit include taking and responding to calls for various police services.
- The TCNJPD communications desk (“dispatch”) operates 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, handling all incoming calls and dispatching police responses to calls for service and emergency situations.
The Administrative Office
- Responsible for the management of Campus Police Services. The Administrative Office provides administrative support through record keeping services, providing discovery for attorneys, and processing report requests for involved parties.
- Administrative office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday-Friday. For non-emergencies and administrative questions, please call: 609-771-2167.
TCNJ Crime Log
- Campus Police Services maintains a 60 day crime log to remain transparent and keep the general public informed about campus crimes and calls our officers respond to. This log is updated consistently to include the most current information on record for the past 48 hours. If in need of current information or information dating back further than 60 days, please visit Campus Police Headquarters located in the Administrative Services Building during regular business hours to view a physical copy of the log.
Mission and Values
Our Mission
The College of New Jersey Police Department is a professional law enforcement agency, dedicated to providing the most efficient, fair, and highest quality law enforcement response for the citizens we are privileged to serve. Our mission statement is as follows:
Providing a safe and secure campus for students, faculty, staff, and visitors is the mission of The College of New Jersey’s Office of Campus Police Services. Our mission is assuring that members of our community not only are safe and secure but also feel safe and secure throughout our campus. This is vital, because the overall college experience is affected by one’s sense of comfort within the learning community. It is the task of the Office of Campus Police Services to support The College of New Jersey in educating future leaders of our state and our nation.
Our Values
A law enforcement agency is guided in its operation by statutes, ordinances, policy, procedures, rules, regulations, and the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. In addition to legal and administrative requirements, law enforcement agencies are powerfully influenced by their values. Our values statement is as follows:
We, the members of The College of New Jersey Police Department, are committed to providing quality service to the community. We believe each one of us makes the difference between a good organization and an excellent one and agree upon the following organizational values.
- Integrity. Do what is right, legally and morally. Be willing to do what is right even when no one is looking. It is our ‘moral compass’, an inner voice.
- Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
- Professionalism. Our unrelenting desire to perform our job to the highest standards while maintaining character beyond reproach.
- Honesty. Honesty means there are no contradictions or discrepancies in thoughts, words, or actions. To be honest to one’s real self and to the purpose of a task earns trust and inspires faith in others. Honesty is never to misuse that which is given in trust.
- Loyalty. Bear a true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the State of New Jersey, the police department and the citizens of our community.
- Pride. A sense of value in our actions, our appearance and our beliefs
- Respect. How we consider others reflects upon each of us, both personally and as a professional organization.